October 22, 2024

By: Hanna Chancellor

Yearbook Senior Ads are a great way to commemorate the achievement and celebrate the milestone of graduating from Owensboro High School. The Ads can be purchased anytime from now until May 11, 2023. The price ranges are based on how much space the ad takes up–starts at 1/8 of a page ($50) and goes up to a 1/2 page ($110). All profits from the ad sales will go back into the yearbook to make it more affordable for everyone and to further support our efforts.

You can learn more about prices at www.jostensadservice.com/student. This is also where you will choose the size and layout, add your pictures, and write the text for the ad. It’s super easy and can be done on a laptop or phone. Remember, all of the money we collect goes directly back into our yearbook! Go Red Devils!

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