We’re Almost There!
By: Digital Devil Staff
OHS seniors, we are just about a month away from graduating! There is a lot of key information and dates that you need to know. Here is a list of some things coming up:
- April 20th: Cap and Gown delivery in the front foyer during lunch shifts
- April 21st: GREEN scholarship form due to Mrs. Fogle
- April 28th: Senior Job Fair for those going right to the workforce after graduation (During Advisory in the S. Gym)
- April 28th: PROM
- May 3rd: Senior Decision Day in the N. Gym at 2:45p.m. This is a chance to celebrate YOU, please make plans to attend even if you are off campus, ECA, or have co-op.
- May 8th: All coursework due for final exam exemptions.
- May 15th: Black Day Final Exams for Seniors
- May 17th: Red Day Final Exams for Seniors
- May 17th: Honors Night at 7pm. in the North Gym. You will get an invitation closer to time if you are receiving an award and should attend.
- May 24th: Graduation at Rash Stadium at 7:30p.m.
There are also many scholarship opportunities still available! Check with Mrs. Fogle (christie.fogle@owensboro.kyschools.us) for more information regarding scholarships, as there is still time to submit your application for many!