October 25, 2024

By: Digital Devil Staff

Did you know that a cat will use its tail to communicate to you, as well as other cats?? Understanding the body language of our feline friends will not only help you understand your cat better, but it will help you identify if your cat is in pain or not feeling well.

When a cat’s tail is upright, they are feeling social and confident. You can observe this cat tail language during a friendly greeting between cats, and it’s also how kittens greet their mothers. If your cat approaches you with their tail up, they are open to interaction or they are happy to see you. This is a good time to pet them or play with them.

At times, you may notice that sometimes your cat’s tail looks like almost like a question mark. It stands upright, but curls at the end. This cat tail language indicates that your cat is happy and approaching amicably. When your cat’s tail is in this position, it means it’s an invitation to interact with your cat. While it is tempting to pet that curly-tipped tail, most cats prefer to be pet around their facial glands on their cheeks, under their chin, and next to their ears.

Now for some negative tail positions. If a cat’s tail is down, curled under its body, they are not wanting social interaction. They go into this position to hide or with the hope that everyone around them will ignore them. Sometimes you may notice a cat’s tail is down, but curled backward. This means they are getting very annoyed and getting angrier by the second. Lastly, if a cat’s body is rigid (think the cat position in yoga), with its tail straight up and all of it’s fur disheveled, this means they are frightened, surprised or scared.

The body language of a cat can sometimes be confusing for people who don’t have a feline in their homes. But we hope these few cat tail movements (there are a few more) help you understand them and when to interact.