Know What’s At Stake, Vote For Brake


In just a few short weeks, Junior Nick Brake IX will launch his campaign for Secretary General of the Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA). KUNA is an organization for young adults to experience life-like political involvement. On average around 2,000 students attend each conference and cast their vote for who they think should lead. This year one of Owensboro High School’s own will be one of their options. When asked about this task, Brake said, “It is a lot of stress and pressure, but I believe the reward is well worth it.”

Brake is running on the platform of gender equality to ensure women will be paid the same as men for the same work contrary to how it is now. In short equal pay for equal work. “I have seen my mother and sister face such discrimination, and the success they have accomplished despite it,” Brake began, “I wish this success for all women without such hardship.”


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