By: Te’Asia Calhoun

As high school students, we have a lot of priorities to handle. Juggling all of these priorities can be hard, stressful, and tiresome. To lessen the stress, we can build some time management habits. Here are some tips to improve your time management skills:  

  1. Have A To-Do List / Schedule 

Having a to-do list can help students figure out what their time needs to be spent on. A to-do list consists of writing down all the tasks that need to be completed.  Start with the most important task first and go on from there.  Having a schedule can help you figure how much time needs to be spent on certain tasks. A schedule can help you see what you have going on throughout the day or week. 

  1. Do Not Procrastinate 

Do not procrastinate. Try not to procrastinate. Procrastination is the action of delaying something. Procrastination is hard not to do. If a task is something small and you can easily check it off the to-do list, just do it. Make it a habit to just do it. 

  1. Have Plenty Of Sleep

As students with busy lives, whether it’s athletics, clubs, academics, and after school jobs, it’s hard to get enough sleep. We’re supposed to be getting 8-10 hours of sleep, but we’re really only getting 5-7 hours or less. Try to get enough sleep when you can. Getting enough sleep can help with academic performance, reduce stress, and can help you clear your mind. 

  1. Physical Activity 

Physical activity can increase energy levels, with more energy we can do more tasks with energy. Physical activity can also help manage weight, improve your brain health, and can help strengthen you. Physical activity can get you and your brain moving. 

  1. Get Off Your Phone or Use Phone in Productive Manner 

To help time management skills improve and to get tasks completed, get off your phone or use your phone in a productive manner.  To stay off your phone you can use these apps: Stay Focused, Freedom, and for iPhone users you can go to Screen Time (settings) and go to Downtime and customize a time schedule.

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