By: Hanna Chancellor

On Friday, March 17th the OHS Academic Team hosted the 2023 Student vs. Faculty Basketball Game. The Faculty was led by none other than Ms. Trionna Greer, who exemplified skills akin to the legendary Tamika Catchings. She, along with the other exceptional faculty, took on a small army of about 25 students who also showed up and showed out in the North Gym last Friday. Reflecting on the final score of 21-21, one can only wonder what would’ve happened if the students would have gotten a fair call and also if the faculty didn’t airball 50% of their shots. Mr. Hicks is definitely already back down in the gym grinding and probably making his students film him shooting bricks for 20 minutes straight. All in all, I think it’s safe to say that everyone had a great time and is ready for next year’s rematch.

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