Classes for College Credit? Too soon or Just Right?


Is the concept of seniors taking off campus classes good for them? In my opinion, it is good for them because they want to get the experience of what college will be like. If seniors just take regular high school classes, that doesn’t anything to prepare them for the next level of their educational career. I believe college credit, practicing the routine of a typical school day in college, and learning to utilize time properly without parents or teachers being there makes it worth it. 

Seniors that are go straight into college will not always enjoy doing their homework because they would rather hang out with their friends late at night. If they have too much fun by not studying, doing their homework, or going to class, they will flunk out and would be a complete waste of money that they or their parents spend on college tuition.


On the other hand,  some people oppose the concept of seniors taking college classes because they don’t feel like seniors are  enjoying their last year of high school.  Some seniors tend to isolate themselves from their school because they’re on a college campus taking college classes, and they miss out on the traditional activities like clubs and events at their school.   

In conclusion, the concept of seniors taking off campus classes is beneficial for them because they need to have some experience of college life before they step on campus. Only taking regular high school classes is not doing anything to prepare them for the next step of their educational career. Taking college credit will not make their freshman year of college as stressful so they can focus mainly on their majors for their job career. They need to practice the routine of a typical college day because they need to know when and how to get to class. They also need to know how to utilize their time properly because their parents will not be there to make sure that they’re doing everything that they need to be doing. These aspects in the process of preparing seniors for college will make them successful during their college career.


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